introduction to `RNN`


Feed Forward Neural Network, FFNN

In a Feed-Forward Network, information flow only in forward direction.

graph LR;

I{input}; IL(Input Layer); HL(Hidden Layer); OL(Output Layer); O{Predicted output}

I-->IL; IL-->HL; HL-->OL; OL-->O;
  1. Decisions are based on current input.
  2. No memory about the past.
  3. No future scope.


  1. cannot handle sequential data.
  2. considers only the current input.
  3. cannot memorize previous inputs.

Recurrent Neural Network, RNN

graph LR;

I{input}; IL(Input Layer); HL(Hidden Layer); OL(Output Layer); O{Predicted output}

I-->IL; IL-->HL; HL-->OL; OL-->O; HL-->HL;

How does RNN works?


Types of RNN

  1. many to one network

  2. many to many network

Gradient Problem:

  • Vanishing Gradient Problem.
  • Explaining Gradient Problem.

Solution to Gradient Problem:


Long Short-Term Memory Network, LSTM

LSTMs are special kind of RNN, capable of learning long-term dependencies.


Three steps of LSTMs:

Step-1: Decides how much of the past it should remember

It looks at the previous state ($$h_{t-1}$$) and the current input $$x_t$$ and computes the function.

  • $$f_t = \sigma(W_f [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_f)$$, $$f_t$$ is called forget gate.

Step-2: Decides how much should this unit add to the current state

There are 2 parts:

  • One is sigmoid function, it decides which values to let through (0 or 1).

    $$i_t = \sigma(W_i [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_i)$$

  • The other is tanh function, which gives the weightage to the value which are passed deciding their level of importance (-1 to 1).

    $$\overset{\sim}{C_t} = tanh(W_C [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_c)$$

Step-3: Decides what part of the current cell state makes it to the output

$$o_t = \sigma(W_o [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_0)$$, $$o_t$$ is called output gate.

$$h_t = o_t * tanh(C_t)$$

Implementation of LSTM