Feed Forward Neural Network, FFNN
In a Feed-Forward Network, information flow only in forward direction.
- Decisions are based on current input.
- No memory about the past.
- No future scope.
- cannot handle sequential data.
- considers only the current input.
- cannot memorize previous inputs.
Recurrent Neural Network, RNN
How does RNN
Types of RNN
many to one network
many to many network
Gradient Problem:
- Vanishing Gradient Problem.
- Explaining Gradient Problem.
Solution to Gradient Problem:
Long Short-Term Memory Network, LSTM
are special kind of RNN
, capable of learning long-term dependencies.
Three steps of LSTMs
Step-1: Decides how much of the past it should remember
It looks at the previous state ($$h_{t-1}$$) and the current input $$x_t$$ and computes the function.
- $$f_t = \sigma(W_f [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_f)$$, $$f_t$$ is called forget gate.
Step-2: Decides how much should this unit add to the current state
There are 2 parts:
One is sigmoid function, it decides which values to let through (0 or 1).
$$i_t = \sigma(W_i [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_i)$$
The other is tanh function, which gives the weightage to the value which are passed deciding their level of importance (-1 to 1).
$$\overset{\sim}{C_t} = tanh(W_C [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_c)$$
Step-3: Decides what part of the current cell state makes it to the output
$$o_t = \sigma(W_o [h_{t-1}, x_t] + b_0)$$, $$o_t$$ is called output gate.
$$h_t = o_t * tanh(C_t)$$